Terms and conditions for event bookings

1. Our agreement

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) apply to Bookings made by You.

The person completing the Booking form or other related document confirms that he/she has the authority to do so on behalf of the Customer.

Bookings placed shall constitute a contract with Us once You receive confirmation of Booking (via email or an invoice being raised by Us) regardless of whether payment has already been made or remains outstanding.

Throughout these Terms, the following definitions shall apply:

Attendee(s) means Delegates, Exhibitors and Sponsors attending or otherwise participating in or at an Event

Bookings means all bookings, acceptances, confirmations and other contracts made by or on behalf of a Customer with Us to attend, exhibit at and/or sponsor an Event

Delegate(s) means individuals attending an Event (whether in a personal or corporate capacity)

Event means the seminar, marketplace, conference, meeting or other event the subject of the Booking

Events Manager means the Regen SW employee designated as in charge of an Event. The contact details for that person and Regen SW, for the purposes of these Terms are:



Postal address:

Regen, Ground Floor, Bradninch Court, Castle Street, Exeter EX4 3PL

Telephone number:

01392 494399

Exhibitor means those Customers who are taking a stand or a space (free-form or shell) or otherwise exhibiting or promoting any product, service, event or organisation at any Event

Sponsor means those Customers who sponsor an Event (whether by way of financial or non-financial contribution)

Us or We means Regen

You or the Customer means the person, firm, company or organisation booking to attend, exhibit at and/or sponsor an Event (whether via the Regen SW events booking website or direct with us or otherwise)

2. Payment terms

Payment may be made by credit/debit card on line at the point of Booking or on request We will issue an invoice.

In the case of payment where an invoice is issued payment is due within 30 working days of the date of the invoice.

Any questions or disputes related to an invoice must be raised with Us, in writing, within 10 working days from the date of the invoice in dispute.

3. Booking confirmation

Upon completion of a Booking, Delegates will receive a system-generated confirmation. This is the formal confirmation of Booking and for administration purposes is the Delegate ticket for registration at the Event. Where appropriate, we will issue Delegates with a Delegate badge when Delegates register on the day at the Event. Exhibitors will receive a confirmation of Booking and an Exhibitor's guide. Sponsors will receive a confirmation of Booking and confirmation of the terms of the sponsorship package.

4. Amendments to your Booking

All Bookings are personal to the Customer whose details are set out in that Booking. Should You wish to make any changes to the Booking (eg. change of Attendee name), please put these requests in writing and send them to the Events Manager, at least 48 hours in advance of the Event. We will endeavour to meet Booking change requests where possible.

5. Cancelling your Booking and refunds

All Bookings (excluding Bookings by Exhibitors and Sponsors)

You have the right to cancel your Booking at any time before the day of the Event by giving the Events Manager written notice of cancellation of Booking but We would ask You to do so as soon as possible to assist Event organisation.

If a cancellation of Booking is received by Us within 7 days after the date on which We confirm the Booking You are entitled to receive a refund in full of any amount paid by You to Us in respect of that Booking .

If a cancellation of Booking is received by Us more than 7 days after the date on which We confirm the Booking but 30 days or more before the date of the Event You shall pay to Us 30% of the full amount payable in respect of that Booking. If You have paid more than that amount to Us the excess shall be refunded to you.

If a cancellation of Booking is received by Us less than 30 days before the date of the Event You are not entitled to receive any refund of any amount paid by You to Us in respect of that Booking and any part of the full amount payable in respect of that Booking that remains unpaid shall remain payable and shall be paid by You to Us in full.

If We cancel an Event You are entitled to receive a refund in full of any amount paid by You to Us in respect of that Booking.

Exhibitor/Sponsor Bookings only

If You make a cancellation of an Exhibitor or Sponsor Booking which is received by Us more than 60 days before the date of the Event You shall pay to Us 30% of the full amount payable in respect of that Booking. If You have paid more than that amount to Us the excess shall be refunded to you.

If You make a cancellation of an Exhibitor or Sponsor Booking which is received by Us less than 60 days before the date of the Event You are not entitled to receive any refund of any amount paid by You to Us in respect of that Booking and any and any part of the full amount payable in respect of that Booking that remains unpaid shall remain payable and shall be paid by You to Us in full.


All refunds due from Us to You in accordance with this clause 5 will be made within 25 working days by Us to You. Refunds are only payable by Us to You in the circumstances set out in this clause 5.

6. Cancellations and variations of Events and termination of Bookings

Event cancellation and variation

We reserve the right to cancel any Event or vary the content, running order, speakers, date, venue or any other detail of an Event without liability for any loss or cost which may be suffered by You (other than, where We cancel an Event, the refund of any amount paid by You to Us in respect of that Booking in accordance with clause 5). All issued Attendee tickets for an Event will be valid for use at the Event when it is held on an alternative date.

Booking termination by Us

We reserve the right to terminate your Booking with immediate effect if You fail to pay your invoice or any other sums due in respect of your Booking in accordance with these Terms and continue to fail to pay after receipt of notice from Us to do so. No refunds will be due in respect of a Booking terminated in this way and the full amount payable in respect of the Booking shall remain due and payable by You.

7. Information for Attendees

Attendee packs and badges, where relevant, are distributed upon Attendee registration at the Event. We will send you joining instructions no later than one week before the Event.

8. Security and safety

We and our venue organisers reserve the right to refuse admission to or remove from the premises any persons for any reason, where in our opinion, this is necessary. In accordance with published information, other reasonable security searches may be conducted at the Event and all Attendees agree to submit to

9. Recordings, images and photography

The use of all photographic or other recording equipment and any transmission of the same is prohibited at the Event including, (without limitation) recording of any data, information or results of or relating to the Event and any Attendee or other Event participant.

10. Liability

To the extent permitted by law, Regen SW excludes all liability for any loss or damage to any Customer's property at any time before, during or after the Event the same. In the interests of public safety, Attendees may be required to leave the venue at any time or immediately after the Event. No admission or readmission is permitted after the end of the Event. All Attendees shall comply with security, safety and other venue rules and shall not damage any property at or any part of the venue.

11. Trading at Events

The purpose of the Event is as per the published running schedule. No unauthorised trading for profit is permitted within any Event venue.

12. Data protection

The information you supply to us in completing your Booking may be used for publication (where you provide details for inclusion in our directories, catalogues or delegate lists and on our websites) and also to provide you with information about our products or services in the form of direct marketing activity by phone, fax or post. This information will not be made available to any third parties. If at any time you no longer wish to receive communications from us, please email admin@regensw.co.uk.

We will communicate with you about the Event and thereafter using the information you provide at the time of booking. Please therefore ensure that this information is correct as we cannot be held liable for any loss caused by our inability to contact you based on incorrect data provided.

13. Other provisions

If, for any reason, any clause or section of these Terms is deemed unenforceable, such unenforceable provision shall be treated as though deleted and the validity of the remaining Terms shall be unaffected.

These Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales and we both submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

14. Additional terms relating to Exhibitor and Sponsor Bookings

Confirmation of additional agreed terms applicable to Exhibitor and Sponsor Bookings will be sent to Exhibitors/Sponsors with their confirmation of Booking.